Conferences & Workshops

Image of Ingrid Mattson speaking

The Boniuk Institute sponsors conferences and workshops which bring together experts to discuss issues related to religious tolerance. You can read and watch more about the findings of these experts by following the links below.

Religion, Reverence and Tolerance

A workshop consisting of scholars, journalists and policy makers discussing the kinds of theological, historical, political, social or perhaps even accidental factors which facilitate pluralism, tolerance and reverence of other religious and belief systems.

Communities of the Qur'an

An ongoing conference series in which Islamic scholars discuss diverse and on occasion opposing interpretations of the Qur'an.

The Spiritual Child

Psychologist Lisa Miller presented a workshop open to parents, educators and teens which addressed the link between spirituality and adolescent health.

Being Spiritual but Not Religious

Exploring the past, present and future characterizations of the Spiritual But Not Religious Movement