Call For Proposals

  • Proposals are due on or before 5:00pm CST on April 15, 2020
  • Award notifications will be made my May 15, 2020
  • Awards expire on June 30, 2021

Fund Information

The Boniuk Institute for the Study and Advancement of Religious Tolerance conducts and supports research on religious tolerance from diverse perspectives, methods and disciplines. The Boniuk Institute is currently accepting applications for research grants ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 (although outstanding proposals in excess of this amount will be considered). Eligible applicaants myst be current graduate students, postdoctural fellows or faculty at Rice University who will be continuing students/ postdocs/ faculty through AY20-21. Collaborative projects and proposals that relate to course development and support, research, speaker funds, writing and experiential learning projects are especially encouraged.

Proposals must focus primarily or substantially on religious tolerance and should include a public or youth education component as an output. Applications myst be written for a broad, multi-disciplinary audience. All disciplines and methodologies will be considered.

Funds may support research-related travel (transportation, lodging and subsistence expenses, etc.) wages (including fringe benefits) for graduate or undergraduate student workers or staff, supplies, special software needs, if the need is clearly tied to the project, and other miscellaneous research expenses. Requests for travel funding must be actual dollar estimates of anticipated expenses - per diem is not allowed. Supplemental or summer slaary for the recipient is not allowed. Non-Rice collaborators are allowed, but they cannot receive wages or fringe benefits.

Project Recipient Requirements

  • Submit a five to eight-page research report explaining the project's findings and contributions to the discipline, especially with resect to religious tolerance as a category of analysis (Spring 2021)
  • Submit a one-page summary accessible to a lay audience, explaining the project's relevance to the study and advancement of religious tolerance and its broader impacts (Due by September 1, 2021)
  • Acknowledge the support of Rice University's Boniuk Institute for Religious Tolerance in publications in any mediums.

Application Deadline and Instructions

Submit a project description and curriculum vitae as detailed below as a single PDF to Boniuk Institute Department Coordinator Kate Eubanks (ke12@rice.edu) by 5pm CST on April 15, 2020. Award notifications will be made by May 15, 2020. Awards expire on June 30, 2021. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

1. Project description (not to exceed 1,000 words) which includes the following information:

  • State how the project contributes to the study and/ or advancement of religious tolerance within or across disciplines. Explain how it contributes to curent knowledge or practice and informs the current political clmate of religious misunderstanding in a specific geographic context.
  • Detail the broader impacts and benefits of the project and how it will be used specifically to educate the broader public or youth segment. (E.g. How does the project promote teaching, training and learning of K-12 teachers, undergraduate/ graduate/ post-doctoral researchers? How will it enhance collaborations, networks and partnerships across under-represented institutions, communities or groups for research and education? How will the findings be broadly shared in formats useful to students and teachers, policymakers, media and the general public? How might he proposed research benefit society?)
  • Methods and timeline
  • Applicant's qualifications to undertake the project
  • Budget and justification of budget
  • Other internal or external funding requests and expected date of notification

2. Curriculum Vitae

Application deadline: April 15, 2020 5:00pm CST