Research Projects

Conducting Original Research and Scholarship

In what ways do religious tolerance, pluralism, and understanding look different in different sectors of society and different parts of the world? The Boniuk Institute discovers new knowledge on religious pluralism and conflict through original local and global research.

Houston TexasRevitalizing Interfaith Leadership in Houston and Beyond

Funded by the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations, this project will examine the impact of political tensions, COVID-19, and local challenges on interfaith leadership and collaboration and develop resources for religious leaders to build bridges across differences to solve shared social problems. The study will involve in-depth interviewing of Houston's religious and interfaith leaders and will produce both academic and practical resources for scholars and practitioners.

science, religion and diversityStudy of Perspectives on Science, Religion, and Diversity

Funded by the Templeton Religion Trust, this study examines scientists' attitudes towards religion as a dimension of diversity in science and how scientists utilize religion in their work. The study is an extension of Communicating Outlooks for a New Global Religion and Science Synergy: The Engagement Challenge (#TRT0203, Elaine Howard Ecklund, PD, David R. Johnson, Co-PI) and builds upon the largest international study of scientists' attitudes toward religion, spirituality, gender, ethics, and family every undertaken. The original study surveyed 20,000 scientists and interviewed over 600 scientists from the United States, France, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Taiwan, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. The current study expands this research through interviews of 60 biologists and physicists in Mexico, South Africa, and the U.S. and their views on the relationship between science, diversity, and religion in their country, specifically how religion and racial, ethnic, and gender diversity impact science or are impacted by science.

science, politics, and religionBoniuk Institute Survey on Science, Politics, and Religion

The Boniuk Institute is conducting a nationally representative survey to document current levels of antisemitism and Islamophobia in the U.S. and to examine Americans' attitudes towards IVF and other beginning of life technologies. This survey utilizes NORC's Amerispeak Panel and includes oversamples of Muslim and Jewish Americans.

Mailing Address

Boniuk Institute
6100 Main Street, MS350
Houston, TX 77005

Press Inquiries

Avery Franklin 
Senior Media Relations Specialist