Examining and Reviewing Books on Religion
In our weekly Reading Religion Salon, an interdisciplinary group of Rice University graduate students and undergraduate student scholars explore the most current and relevant books on issues related to religious pluralism, violence and discrimination, as well as religion in the public sphere.
Students discuss the ways in which each text expands our understanding of these topics and interview book authors. They also receive training in professional development and public scholarship.
Join the Salon
The 2025 Spring Semester Reading Religion Salon is open to the public. Join us online each week for a deep discussion of a high-impact book and author interview.
All open sessions will be held online from 12:00-12:45pm CST.
(January 30) Anointed with Oil: How Christianity and Crude Made Modern America, by Darren Dochuk
(March 6) Peace Love Yoga: The Politics of Global Spirituality, by Andrea Jain
(March 13) Black Visions of the Holy Land: African American Christian Engagement with Israel and Palestine, by Roger Baumann
(March 27) Why do People Discriminate against Jews?, by Jonathan Fox
(April 3) The New Governance of Religious Diversity, by Tariq Modood
Email Quaana Lake at BoniukInstitute@rice.edu by the Wednesday before a particular session to join the Reading Religion Salon.