Reflecting on Antisemitism in this Current Moment

oren j hayon
Oren Hayon and Matthias Henze
Rabbi Oren J. Hayon and Dr. Matthias Henze

April 30, 2024 - The Boniuk Institute's Religion and Public Life Program welcomed Oren Hayon, Senior Rabbi of Congregation Emanu El and Matthias Henze, director of Rice’s Program in Jewish Studies to a Religious and Civic Leader Gathering to discuss antisemitism in the contemporary US.  They agreed that we must first acknowledge the problem before working to build communities grounded in peace and safety.

Hayon noted that these were troubled times for his congregation and for him as a religious leader, yet there was hope. While some allies in the community have been lost, others have been gained.  When asked about the line between free speech and antisemitism, Hayon said that it is important that we live in a place that protects political speech and allows for voices to be heard, but criticizing the character of a people/ country rather than policies and practices crosses the line and is ultimately not productive.

Religious and Civic Leader Gathering attendees
Religious and Civic Leader Gathering audience members

A robust Q&A followed. When asked by the audience how academic institutions can foster bridges between differences, Henze responded with three steps every academic institution should take: 1) keep everyone safe, 2) guarantee the academic freedom of professors and students, 3) further research to create and protect a marketplace of ideas that offer educational opportunities for all and generate new knowledge.

When asked how Houston organizations could combat antisemitism, Hayon remarked that, following the death of George Floyd, people educated themselves about racial injustice; the same should apply in this situation. Educate yourself, and make it clear that exclusionary postures and language are not welcome.

The evening ended on a hopeful note. In response to a question, Hayon elaborated on what gives him hope in this moment: Houston communities that support minority populations and pluralism and have reached out to him, a positive relationship between law enforcement and the Jewish community, the protections afforded to all by the US founding documents, and increased state efforts to combat antisemitism, including the

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