The weekend's tragic shootings in El Paso follow patterns like those in Charleston, Charlottesville, Oak Creek, Poway, Pittsburgh, and elsewhere. Since 2001, white domestic terrorists have caused more fatalities in America than any other form of terrorism. White supremacist attackers are self-avowedly inspired by a constellation of anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, homophobic, anti-immigrant, and racist ideologies. They justify their violence to protect-- what they believe to be-- the purity, power, and superiority of the white race.

Our thoughts and prayers go to those affected by these and other acts of violence. To learn more about white terrorism and its landscape, how to discuss these issues with youth, and what you can do to curb such crimes in the future, please see the resources below. The lists are not exhaustive, but they are a place to start understanding the contours of hate in our backyard.

To better understand these hate-fueled incidents and the broader trends they reflect, visit:

To help you discuss hate incidents with children and students, see:

To understand what hate crimes are, how to report them, or what you can do to mitigate them, click on: