Educator Professional Development

Boniuk Institute Educator Professional Development

About Educator Professional Development
Each spring, the Boniuk Institute presents its online Educator Professional Development for secondary social studies educators.

Participants receive training in basic religious literacy and TEKS-aligned resources, which creates awareness and enables them to more confidently include and address the role of religion in their classroom subject matter. Participating educators received continuing education credits at the completion of this series. 

Spring 2023 Educator Professional Development
During the most recent Spring 2023 semester, participants in the online Educator Professional Development series explored and engaged with scholars on the following topics:
Joshua Furman Kerby Goff Zahra Jamal
Joshua Furman

Judaism and Its Impacts on U.S. History, Society & Culture
Kerby Goff

Protestantism and Its Impacts on U.S. History, Society & Culture
Zahra Jamal

Islam and Its Impact on U.S. History, Society & Culture
Brenton Kalinowski Stanislav Panin

Brenton Kalinowski

Religious Diversity in the U.S.
Stanislav Panin

Religious Nones and Their Impacts on U.S. History, Society & Culture

Mailing Address

Boniuk Institute
6100 Main Street, MS350
Houston, TX 77005

Press Inquiries

Avery Franklin 
Senior Media Relations Specialist