Professor Leeds specializes in the study of international relations. Leeds’s research focuses on the design and effects of international agreements (particularly military alliances), and also on connections between domestic politics and foreign policy.
Most recently, she is the co-author of Domestic Interests, Democracy, and Foreign Policy Change (Cambridge Elements in International Relations series, 2022).
Research Areas
Major areas of research include international conflict and cooperation, military alliances, and the influence of domestic politics on international relations.
Honors & Awards
In 2008, Dr. Leeds was the recipient of the Karl Deutsch award, which is awarded annually by the International Studies Association to a scholar in IR under age 40 who is judged to have made, through a body of publications, the most significant contribution to the study of International Relations and Peace Research, and in 2019, Leeds won the lifetime achievement award from the Conflict Processes section of the American Political Science Association. During 2017-18 Professor Leeds served as President of the International Studies Association and during 2018-2019, she served as President of the Peace Science Society. She currently serves as Chair of the Department of Political Science and as Co-Editor of International Organization.